I've been a caricaturist for decades. I have an enviable reputation and I'm refreshingly priced. I will bring a difference.
anniversaries, celebrations, events, parties, portraits, proms, weddings, whatever - something unique and memorable
We are are storming success at small intimate Suffolk and Essex dinner parties - trust us. We go down quite well in London as well. (If you doubt us - please check out our testimonials). Your guests will remember your party as being very individual and highly original
We are also a raging success at the larger party, be it for a wedding party, a celebration party or an anniversary party, a retirement party or a success story.
Drop Dead Caricatures doesn't take up a lot of room, we never leave a mess, but we always leave long lasting impressions.
A typical commission would have us 'on station' for 3 hours, and would cost £450 plus travelling expenses of 25p per mile. An alternative is to have a caricature done ahead of the party (generally from a supplied photo) - typically this is anything from £25 for a quick sketch, to £200 for a full colour detailed drawing. (Mounting and framing is extra at cost).
I don't mind repeating, your guests will remember your party as being very individual and highly original. As the host we will take instruction from you to caricaturise whoever you choose. Left to our own devices we will caricaturise any willing guest - and trust us they will be willing (if not initially).
They will also talk very favourably about you and your party for a long long time. Call Drop dead Caricatures on 07796 455304 or use our quick form by clicking here.
established and trusted, unique and unusual
Simply fill in the form below and I'll get back to you asap. I won't pass on your details and there is no obligation at this stage.